This article is based on work done by Andrea Knox and Jordan Monk in fulfillment of the group project requirements for the 2022 Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington course: STAT394 Multivariate Statistics.
“I wish I was in Wellington, the weather’s not so great.”
The Mutton Birds, “Wellington”, 1994.
Wellington is notorious for its windy and unpredictable weather. We
celebrate it in our public sculptures, our songs, and our (seemingly
daily) complaints about it. Our weather seems to defy the seasons - we
have hail storms in summer and gloriously sunny winter days. Spring can
seem like a cruel joke. We envision hope and renewal, newly opened
flowers and crisp sunny mornings. Instead we endure grey rainy days and
a howling wind. Perhaps we need to adjust our expectations.
The ‘blown away’ sign in Miramar, Wellington. Image by Wainuiomartian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
In a popular 2014 tweet,
Adam Shand proposed a new classification of Wellington’s seasons that
splits spring into two periods (August and December) and
renames what was formerly spring (September to November) as
shitsville. People approved. There have been hundreds of
retweets, you can buy the
t-shirt and there’s even a
website that tells you what the “real” season is now.
Schematic of the conventional seasons (left) and the alternative ‘real’ seasons (right). Adapted from
So why not officially adopt these ‘real’ seasons? In a country where a bat can win a bird-of-the-year competition and a kiwi shooting lasers from its eyes can almost become our national flag, redefining the seasons and calling one shitsville doesn’t seem like too big a stretch!
But behind every great policy is great some evidence and
as-yet no evidence for this proposal exists. Humans are notoriously
prone to confirmation bias. Are ‘real’ season true believers merely
seeing the weather patterns we expect to see? Or do the ‘real’ seasons
actually better describe our weather?
We decided to find out.
We obtained five years of daily weather data from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) and used four different statistical methods to compare how well the conventional and ‘real’ seasons classify actual weather patterns. We did this for Wellington and Auckland and got similar results. Here I only describe the Wellington results (to reduce length - you’re welcome) but you can find the Auckland analysis in our full report.
Our weather data had five measurements taken every day during the five-year period 2017 to 2021:
Before we get to results, we need to talk about what makes a good classification. There’s always some subjectivity in judging what is ‘good’, but following evaluation best practice, we can at least be transparent about our criteria.
In this work, we say that a classification is good if it:
So one classification is better than another if:
The diagram below demonstrates this in terms of distance. Imagine
that you are looking down on a room of people and each red dot is a
person. We see two clusters of people and intuitively we group them as
shown in the middle chart. This is a good classification because the
distances between people in the same group are small and the distances
between people in different groups are larger. Alternatively, we could
form two groups as shown in the right hand chart. This would be bad.
Why? Because there are large distances between some people in the same
group and short distances between some people in different groups. The
classification in the middle is clearly superior.
Some classifications are better at grouping things than others.
Now imagine that the distances between people represent something else - say, eye colour (Trait 1 in the chart above) and hair colour (Trait 2). In one cluster people have varying shades of blonde hair and blue eyes and in the other they have shades of dark hair and brown eyes. The best classification separates the two clusters, grouping together people whose hair and eye colours are close and separating people with more distant eye and hair colours.
Finally, imagine that the dots are days of the year. And the distances between them represent aspects of the weather. For example, Trait 1 could be rainfall and Trait 2 could be maximum temperature. A good classification groups together days with similar temperatures and rainfall and separates days with dissimilar temperatures and rainfall. This is the basis for how we decide whether the conventional or ‘real’ seasons are better. The better classification will have, on average:
All of the analysis we describe below uses this fundamental concept.
The standard deviation measures variability. Specifically, it measures the average distance of each observation from the centre (or the mean) of the group. For example, say we have only two days, one with a maximum temperature of \(10^{\circ}C\) and the other with a maximum temperature of \(24^{\circ}C\). The mean maximum temperature is \(\frac{10 + 24}{2} = 17^{\circ}C\). The standard deviation is the average distance of each day’s measurement from \(17^{\circ}C\), so in this case, it is \(7^{\circ}C\).
For our analysis, we computed the standard deviations for each
weather measurement, by season. And then we compared the standard
deviations of the conventional seasons with those of the ‘real’ seasons.
Smaller standard deviations indicate shorter (weather-based) distances
between days of the same season and therefore a better
Season | SD(max temp) | SD(min temp) | SD(global radiation) | SD(wind run) | SD(rainfall) |
Summer | 2.85 | 2.62 | 7.55 | 174.05 | 8.10 |
Autumn | 3.07 | 2.96 | 5.37 | 178.15 | 8.76 |
Winter | 1.88 | 2.38 | 2.99 | 198.46 | 9.07 |
Spring | 2.75 | 2.82 | 7.11 | 185.03 | 7.92 |
Average across seasons | 2.64 | 2.69 | 5.75 | 183.92 | 8.46 |
Season | SD(max temp) | SD(min temp) | SD(global radiation) | SD(wind run) | SD(rainfall) |
Summer | 2.82 | 2.67 | 7.21 | 171.22 | 6.33 |
Autumn | 3.07 | 2.96 | 5.37 | 178.15 | 8.76 |
Winter | 1.94 | 2.39 | 2.36 | 208.62 | 9.70 |
Spring 1 and 2 | 3.99 | 3.66 | 9.08 | 179.37 | 9.24 |
Shitsville | 2.75 | 2.82 | 7.11 | 185.03 | 7.92 |
Average across seasons | 2.91 | 2.90 | 6.22 | 184.48 | 8.39 |
In the tables above, we see that the average standard deviations are smaller for the conventional seasons than they are for the ‘real’ seasons, for every weather measurement except rainfall. And when we compare the standard deviations of spring 1 and 2 with conventional spring, we see that the spring 1 and 2 standard deviations are larger and are, in fact, the largest of any season, for every measurement except wind run.
This suggests that the conventional seasons may be better at grouping together days with similar weather and that spring 1 and 2 may be grouping together days with dissimilar weather. So the conventional season classification looks better because, on average, it has shorter weather-based distances between days of the same season.
But what about our second criterion: a better classification has larger weather-based distances between days of different seasons. We looked at this next.
Whenever we group objects together we can use summary statistics to describe the overall characteristics of the group. Summary statistics are mostly quite straightforward. They are things like maximum values, minimum values, medians (the middle value), and means (described above).
We can use each season’s weather data to compute summary statistics. And then we can use the values of those summary statistics to compute distances between the seasons. For example, in the charts below, imagine that summary statistic 1 is the maximum daily rainfall value recorded for each season and summary statistic 2 is the maximum wind run value recorded for each season. In the left hand chart these values are quite different and so the seasons are far apart. In the right hand chart the values are much more similar and so the seasons are closer together. The result in the left hand chart is better. It suggests that this classification is better because its seasons are more different to each other.
We can use distances based on summary statistics to see how similar seasons are to each other.
Similarly, we could use three summary statistics and then our distances between seasons would be computed as if they were in a three-dimensional space. Same concept. Easy. Now here’s where we break your brain. In fact, we used 30 different summary statistics. So we computed the distances between seasons as if they were in a 30-dimensional space. Can you visualise that? No? Me neither. This is unintuitive for us, living as we do, in a measly three-dimensional universe. By analogy though, it’s simple. We computed the distances based on 30 summary statistics exactly as we would in a two- or three-dimensional space - we just used more dimensions.
So what did we find out?
Heatmaps of the summary statistic distances between each season, comparing the conventional seasons (left) with the ‘real’ seasons (right). Darker colours indicate shorter distances. Grey indicates distances of zero (a season’s distance to itself).
In the charts above you can follow each grid across and down to find the distances between pairs of seasons. For example, the distance between summer and winter was 9.00 for the conventional seasons (left hand chart) and 9.44 for the ‘real’ seasons (right hand chart). And the distance between spring and autumn in the conventional seasons is the same as the distance between shitsville and autumn in the ‘real’ seasons because the ‘real’ season classification simply renames spring to shitsville and doesn’t change autumn.
The ‘real’ seasons do seem to be better at separating winter and summer from each other and from spring and autumn: all of these distances are longer between the ‘real’ seasons. This is perhaps not surprising given that winter and summer are both only two months long in the ‘real’ seasons (spring 1 and 2 takes a month from winter and a month from summer). It may be easier for a shorter season to be more different to the others.
However, there are some quite short distances among the ‘real’ seasons, especially between spring 1 and 2, shitsville, and autumn. The average distance between seasons is, in fact, slightly shorter for the ‘real’ seasons (5.19) than for the conventional seasons (5.25).
And importantly, the distance between spring 1 and 2 and shitsville is short: the second shortest of all the distances that we computed. This suggests that a key conjecture of the ‘real’ season classification: that spring 1 and 2 and shitsville have different weather patterns, may not hold.
Overall, this suggests that the conventional seasons may be slightly better than the ‘real’ seasons at separating out days with different weather patterns. But the conventional seasons aren’t much better. We would not call these results conclusive. Let’s try another approach!
We used silhouette plots to compare how good the conventional and ‘real’ seasons are at grouping days into their most appropriate seasons. Silhouette plots use the silhouette coefficient, which is computed as described in our full report. Go there if you want to see the maths. Less technically, how the coefficient works is as follows.
You can then average the coefficients across days to get a measure of the extent to which days are appropriately classified into their closest seasons. Higher average values indicate a better classification.
Silhouette plots comparing the conventional and ‘real’ seasons. The average silhouette coefficient for each season is written above the plot of daily values and colour-coded by season. The average coefficient across all seasons is indicated by the red dashed line and the text at the bottom of each chart.
In the silhouette plots above, the coloured wedges are made up of vertical lines: one for each day. Lines extending up from zero represent days that are classified into their closest season and lines extending down represent days that would be more appropriately put into a different season. It’s bad news for the ‘real’ season classification that every day of spring 1 and 2 would be more appropriately grouped into a different season.
When the silhouette coefficients are averaged across all seasons (averages are written in black under the charts and indicated by the dashed red lines), we see that the average is ten times higher for the conventional seasons (0.067) than for the ‘real’ seasons (0.006). This suggests that the conventional seasons are better at grouping together days with similar weather. Things are not looking good for the ‘real’ seasons!
But wait, there’s something else. In fact, neither the ‘real’ nor the conventional seasons do an especially good job. Both perform OK for summer and winter, with coefficients above zero for most days. But the other seasons: spring, autumn, and shitsville, are pretty sketchy, with most days’ coefficients below zero.
This brings us to our final analysis: what would an optimal weather-based classification look like and how do the conventional and ‘real’ seasons compare to that?
There are many statistical techniques for grouping objects together based on data. We used a method called k-means clustering to group days into four or five clusters based on their weather.
In k-means clustering we specify how many clusters we want and then we use an algorithm to generate that number of clusters from the data. The algorithm works as follows.
Here’s a nice visualisation of the algorithm in action.
We used this technique to generate four clusters (for comparison with the conventional seasons) and five clusters (for comparison with the ’real seasons). Since the clusters were generated from weather data directly, they should be fairly optimal groups of days with similar weather patterns. Almost certainly they will be more optimal than the seasons. Were they? We can check using silhouette plots.
Silhouette plots of the four- and five- k-means clusters of days. The average silhouette coefficient for each cluster is written above the plot of daily values and colour-coded by cluster. The average coefficient across all clusters is indicated by the red dashed line and the text at the bottom of each chart.
Yup, the charts above show that the average silhouette coefficients are consistently larger for the clusters than for the conventional and ‘real’ season classifications and that very few days were grouped into inappropriate clusters.
Now that we have our more optimal groups, we can compare the conventional and ‘real’ seasons to them and see which is closer to optimal. In this analysis we think of the k-means clusters as ‘correct’ and we test how good the seasons are at placing days into their ‘correct’ groups.
First we had to figure out how to match seasons to clusters. We wanted to give both classifications the best possible chance of generating correct predictions, so we tried all possible matches between seasons and clusters and chose the concordance that returned the highest number of ‘correctly’ classified days. The best concordances were:
We then computed four different performance metrics to compare how well the conventional and ‘real’ seasons make ‘correct’ predictions. For example in the conventional seasons, a spring day is correctly classified if it is in cluster 1, summer days are correct if they are in cluster 4, autumn in cluster 2 and winter in cluster 3. The first of our performance measures: overall accuracy, is straightforward. It is simply the overall percentage of correct predictions made by the classification. The higher the percentage the better. The other three performance measures are a bit more complicated and you can find a description of them in our full report. But all you really need to know is that bigger is better. The classification with higher percentages is more similar to the ‘optimal’ k-means clusters.
Overall accuracy | 48.3% |
Macro Precision | 48.5% |
Macro Recall | 43.0% |
Macro F1 | 43.2% |
Overall accuracy | 38.9% |
Macro Precision | 40.2% |
Macro Recall | 36.2% |
Macro F1 | 35.9% |
On every performance measure, the conventional seasons did better than the ‘real’ seasons.
We need to interpret this cautiously because performance here depends not just on how good the seasons are, but also on the how good the k-means clustering is. We might get a different result if we used a different clustering method. Nevertheless, the result is consistent with our other findings and provides one more piece of evidence suggesting that conventional seasons are better than the ‘real’ seasons.
However, consistent with what we saw in the silhouette plots, the performance measures suggest that even the conventional seasons are far from optimal, making ‘correct’ predictions less than half of the time.
Well, shit.
None of our findings support the idea that the ‘real’ seasons better describe Wellington’s weather (or Auckland’s either, see the full report). Instead of finding evidence to support an official change to the seasons, we found the opposite.
There are caveats with our results: we only used five years of weather data and one of our weather measurements, global radiation (which measures total heat from the sun), is inherently tied to day length, possibly giving the conventional seasons an unfair advantage.
But perhaps we should remember how we learned in primary school that the seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth relative to the sun. Redefining the seasons based purely on weather patterns might not get past a smart nine-year old’s bullshit detector.
Importantly though, it’s not the renaming of spring to shitsville that’s the problem. The culprit here is spring 1 and 2, which has very similar weather to shitsville and performs worse than conventional spring on the silhouette plots and the comparison of standard deviations.
So let’s ditch spring 1 and 2 but continue to call spring shitsville.
And taking this a step further: in our analysis of distances, we saw that shitsville and autumn were the most similar of any pair of seasons. Autumn could, in fact, be considered to be a second shitsville, so why not rename it as such?
Below is a suggestion for a new, ‘more realistic’ re-envisioning of the seasons. Based on our evidence, we think it is likely to perform better than the ‘real’ seasons, but further analysis is needed to confirm this. Unarguably however, it uses three times as many swear words and I propose that, for this reason alone, it is objectively better.
Schematic of the conventional seasons (left) and a new proposal for the ‘more real’ seasons (right). Adapted from
About us: Andrea is a Wellington-based research and analytics consultant. She actually loves Wellington’s weather, but that might be Stockholm syndrome. Jordan is an Analyst currently working at the Ministry of Justice. Born and raised in Wellington he has experienced the good and the bad of the Wellington weather.
Do you want to know more? Please visit our project homepage for links to our full (more technical) report and our GitHub repository where you can find our data and scripts.